2008-a little late

I found this survey to be therapeutic. I was worried that I had done nothing of note in 2008. However, probing questions, made me see a little growth and a lot of happiness.

1. What did you do in 2008? Raised the best little girl ever, learned baby sign language, taught myself finally how to hem clothes, tried to make a new baby, planted my first garden (which yielded only 5 pieces of vegetation), and traveled to Idaho several times (the very reason we moved to Utah...to be closer to Idaho).

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I have a Franklin Planner and try to make goals every week, but I cannot remember my goals for 2008. That is most likely the reason why I did not do much. i will sit down and write my yearly goals. That way, I can accomplish them.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? I live in such an infertal world...oh, wait, Katrina gave birth! My sweet sister, Katrina gave birth to baby Teikers Ormson. Did Brandi give birth this year? Probably. She is such a rockstar at getting pregnant and having awesome children (I am a little jealous, but glad that her children are so fabulous).

4. Did anyone close to you die? No.

5. What countries did you visit? This is the first year since I was 16 that I have not left the country. Oh, how landlocked I am.

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? A baby, and Jerusalem. I planned on going to Jerusalem last year with Andrew, but he opted to save our money. I am always for saving money (hence we are the last family on the earth with only one car), but I wonder if the memory of the travel would have slightly trumped the all the extra $$$$ sitting in our money market account.

7. What was your biggest failure of the year? I meant to learn how to use a sewing machine. I will try to rectify that this year. I also meant to cook more meals for poor Wonder Drew who never has me change a diaper when he is home. He deserves a meal.

8. Did you suffer illness or injury? Sarah had a runny nose, and diaper rash. I guess we were pretty blessed.

9. What was the best thing you bought? We just got back from the 75% off Christmas sale at Tai Pan Trading, and they had these amazing vintage Christmas lights for $1.00. I discovered Rancho Market this year, where you can get 7 pounds of oranges for a $1.00

102. Whose behavior merited celebration? Mitt Romney...are we talking celebrity? If not, I was fairly well-behaved, and our Young Women's Presidency is the best on this earth and 2,000 other inhabited planets, and there is Super Drew and the diaper thing, while simultaneously providing for our family so well.

11. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? I think that 99.9% of humans are doing their very best.

12. Where did most of your money go? Mortgage. But we have a home!

13. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Seeing my sister dance. Girls Camp.

14. What song will always remind you of 2008? I am not into music right now...but I am always singing the music from "Signing Time" written by Rachel de Azevedo Coleman; it is excellent. I watch an absurd amount of toddler educational videos.

15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
 a) happier or sadder? 
b) thinner or fatter? 
c) richer or poorer? Definitely happier, definitely fatter, and just a little bit richer.

16. What do you wish you’d done less of? Eat. How blessed am I to write THAT? I have food to eat.

17. Did you fall in love in 2008? Oh, Yes, Sarah and Drew have caused head over heels love. I have also found other friends that I absolutely love.

18. What was your favorite TV program? Little House on the Prairie until I read the Michael Landon biography.
19. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? No.

20. What was the best book you read? Bruce R. McKonkie biography, Maisie Dobbs, and the Young Women Manual 3; those lessons are awesome.

21. What was your greatest musical discovery? Anything from an Apple commercial, and lots of Christmas music.

22. What did you want and not get? A camera. I could have, but in the end, I have 3 other cameras. I was just being covetous of the pictures on other blogs that I had attributed to their cameras, rather than the talent of the blogger/photographer.

23. What was your favorite film of this year? Surprisingly, Prince Caspian. I cannot remember anything else.

24. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I am 34 years old, and I spent a wonderful birthday with Andrew and Sarah. Andrew had made a huge trip in a blizzard to pick me up from Idaho so that I could spend my birthday with him on my birthday.

25. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? If I would have studied more...something that builds brain cells like Calculus or something. I actually bought Calculus, Finance, Accounting and Economics books, working on a self-taught pre-MBA, alas I did not get very far in my studies. I put too many other unimportant things first.

26. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? I dressed in too many clothes on sale at Banana Republic. I also was a little messier than before. I always had Sarah prints on my shoulders and legs and shirt bottoms.

27. What kept you sane? Curious George and Andrew. I waited for 5:00 p.m. everyday for Curious George. He is the reason why I am typing this now, uninterrupted. Sarah loves monkeys and Curious George is the prince of monkeydom. There is also a DVD called "Happy Signs" featuring Maurice the Monkey. How I love Maurice.

I also spent every day counting the moments when Andrew would come home. George and Andrew equal sanity.

28. When you think about 2008 what sticks out in your mind? The youth program in our ward and stake (Andrew is in the Stake Young Men's and I am in the Young Women's). Being happy and comfortable in our work and home.

29. Best moment of 2008? My favorite moments were being with my family. There were moments of exquisite joy when Andrew Sarah and I as members of "Team Rail" felt eternal unity. It would be doing normal things, like driving in the car or playing at the park, but they were singular and came surprisingly often. Sarah's arrival in our lives made us a real family unit. Before, we were just a couple. Now we are much more. She has made me love Andrew more, and has made life divine.


Dan said…
It sounds like you had a pretty good year. I think there is this stage in life where it's hard to make goals because we are just trying to survive. At least I feel that way sometimes.
Becky said…
That was fun to read!

And now I'm very intrigued about Michael Landon and I may have to read his biography.
The Bears said…
I too am curious about the Michael Landon comment.
Christy Dyer said…
Candice, I loved reading this blog. I found out so many things about you. I just love YOU! and you have made me love super Sarah and Drew too. You always seem so up beat, positive and enthusiastic. Keep up the good work, you are doing fabulous even if you can't remember last years goals. You probably completed them and have done a dozen more things
Jensens said…
I too am intrigued about Michael Landon now. We are a Little House on the Prairie enthusiasts as well.

You rock Candice! You inspire me and make me smile at the same time.
Anonymous said…
Ditto with Michael Landon. If I read it, will I dislike Little House on the Prairie? I don't know if I can make that sacrifice.

You're great.

Lorin and Liza said…
I wouldn't get too caught up in the goal thing. Read Shara's blog on goals, it will relieve a lot of pressure.
If you do want to do anything with the sewing machine one I can help. Aunt Julie and I were sewing last week and she commented that teaching us to sew was one of the greatest gifts our mother gave us. I think it was more important to our generation but still such an enjoyable, creative pastime. We call it recreational sewing.
courtney said…
What a great post! I really enjoyed reading and getting to hear all your inner thoughts, plus the added bonus of a little self-reflection. Also, I enjoy reading your comments because I know your family! Fun.
Melissa Buecher said…

Get yourself a TIVO so you can turn on curious george any time or all day long if necessary. I could not get through the day without knowing that there are like 500 episodes of Dora, Diego, Curious George, Backyardigans, Peep, Charlie and Lola....recorded on my precious TIVO.

Don't be so disturbed about Michael Landon. Just start reading the Little House books and you will feel better about the show immediately.

What's up with our generation lacking the sewing skills? None of my siblings sew, and yet, we all grew up in handmade clothing. Way to go Betty and Lue. THanks for not passing on the skilz. (I am sure our profoundly amazing cousins like Chelsea and Merissa and Shara know how to sew).

Oh, and Banana Republic is like 50 steps above the TArget and Walmart wardrobe I've been sporting for the past 10 years, so pat yourself on the back for that one.

Good luck with 2009. Tivo. Seriously.