Something I can Read

I read too much. I salivate at any library. I usually check out so much literature that the sweet librarians have to double and triple the free plastic bags that I ask for: and I spend too much of my time reading. I always have.

Reading is good. It is very good. But anything in excess is bad. And I read in excess.

I finish a new book every couple of days, with several books on the side about health or finance or parenting.

Books tend to become a part of my soul as I read them; I think about the stories and characters constantly. So, when the author goes too far and adds unnessecary themes or scenes merely to titilate or addict their readers it effects me deeply. Hence, finding good adult fiction is impossible, and I usually choose not to read that genre.

But sometimes, like tonight, I pick something good. Moments ago I pulled "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee from our bookshelf.

I was enchanted. Thank you Mr. Lee for writing a hard story with amazing characters. Thank you for making kind characters deeply kind. Thank you for making children as brilliant and pure as they are. Thank you for Atticus who is my husband's hero. Thank you for writing delicately about important subjects that should not be described in gorey detail. Thank you for increasing my vocabulary. Thank you for being fiction that I can read.


Jon + Kat said…
Sorry-here is a reply for your reply: You forgot "Dead Weight" and "Painful Tickles" which Sevy also likes to do Pappa style to Teik!
Jon + Kat said…
Sidenote: I'm not a fan of "To Kill a Mockingbird". It was okay. I just put it in my list of books like "Animal Farm" and "Moby Dick" and "Grapes of Wrath" where I ask, "and that's a classic?"
The Bears said…
I love To Kill a Mockingbird. I want to name my daughter Scout and my brother is going to name his son Atticus. Did I mention that I love this book!
Christy Dyer said…
Candace, I would love a list of your favorite books. My bookclub is getting out of hand with worthless, useless reading. We need help!
Becky said…
Oh, I hear ya! I'm a big fan of books. Have you read the Artemis Fowl series? Fun stuff.

P.S. I met almost all of my cool, wickedly funny blog buddies on Mormon Mommy Blogs. You should check it out!
Anonymous said…
"The Hong Kong Connection" is a legal thriller about a gutsy female attorney who takes on high ranking International officials. It's a taut, rollercoaster of a ride from New York to Palm Beach to Washington D.C. to Hong Kong. The plot is expertly woven, the characters persuasive, and the dialogue snappy and spot on.
Brandi said…
Okay, so Lindsay just introduced me to "An Acceptable Time" by Madeline L'Engle. Have you read it? I somehow completely missed that one when I was younger. It's about Meg's daughter Polly. Anyway, I have to admit, it was not my favorite L'Engle book, that honor goes to "Many Waters", but it made me remember why I will always love Madeline L'Engle. And guess who introduced me to her books? You! I'm thinking about getting the whole series for Elayna.
Candice said…
Thank you for the book suggestions! I need them, and I read them.

Brandi, I checked out "An Acceptable Time" out several times (I am the Austin family's biggest fan), but I never got all of the way through it. I thought the writing was beautiful, though.

I LOVE Many Waters, too. Madeleine L'Engle is my favorite writer of all time.

Thank you for reminding me.
Anonymous said…
I'm going to send you an invite to Goodread, okay?
