On Saturday morning we took a trip to the Logan Temple to see Andrew's best friend, Tyler Bell, get married. I love Cache Valley, I love the temple, and I love Tyler Bell. This was going to be a great day.
The spirit was strong in the sealing room. They were a sweet, bright, good family. Putting them in a sealing room together for this long awaited wedding was a wonderful thing. You feel generations. It is easy to feel the eternities while in the temple: especially in the midst of a family like this, during this ordinance of ordinances.
As I watched the happy couple at the alter, I felt the power of this marriage to thwart every design of the adversary. I felt deeply why Satan would oppose marriage, and why he fights it: particularly a temple marriage.
I am so grateful for this couple who did the bravest and best thing that they could do on this earth to be super soldiers for good.
And they were so happy to do it.
She is a genius;). Well, kind of. When she saw this picture, she did the sign for 'carrots' referring to the plants behind her.
Then again, maybe she is right and I am wrong, and they plant carrots in front of the temple.
These pictures were taken the day before Easter, and this is the dress her Granny Joan gave her. Sadly, we did not take pictures ON Easter Sunday (we were so busy) so these are her sudo Easter shots. Plus, she did not look very cute on Easter. She wore the same dress, but her hair was a mess, because we had to wake her up to go to church, as we do every week.
Easter Sunday was the stuff for other posts. Let us just write that Heavenly Father blessed our ward. The ward Easter program increased my testimony of the Savior and his Resurrection. It was a spiritually gorgeous day.
I love that white dress on Sarah, she is so adorable!
Sarah is so cute!