Not twins

I had my first appointment today. I was really excited. The first appointment in this day and age is the day that you get to see your baby.

I saw him. Yes, I think that it is a boy. But, my Dad that his first four daughters were boys too. Maybe Elder Nelson of the twelve thought that too from time to time. He always quips, "I have all boys, except for nine".

Yes, I had hoped for twins. I wanted to be a twin when I was young with my sister, Brandi. And, I thought multiples were a more efficient way of getting children to earth.

But, I saw my beautiful baby. I am in love. He was "sleeping" apparently. Sarah was a mover (she still is), while this one seems more relaxed. I was hoping for a little more laid back child. Sarah is after my heart, but I wonder what two exuberant children might be like.

The heartbeat is 168, and the ultrasound measured 10 weeks 6 days, while we calculated 10 weeks 2 days. I like the ultrasound date. It is just a few days closer to morning sickness freedom. Maybe he is just a big boy. We feel that this baby will be strong...Samson strong.

We have been questioned as to how we got pregnant. I actually really liked my cousin's (1st cousin once removed) response to that.

Ours was almost as simple. We did not have an undefinable problem. I just had a condition called PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. One of the symptoms is infertility. It stems from the body almost ovulating, but not you get many cysts on your ovaries ("Polycystic Ovaries"). You might ovulate during the year, but you never know when. So, we accidentally got pregnant with Sarah after several years. Those were our odds.

I went to many gynecologists and endocrinologists, but I had never heard of a REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGIST (thanks, Sister Bear). For years, I had been given drugs for diabetes (I do not have diabetes, but it is a common thing to give PCOS women) and clomid, to no avail. We just had the timing all wrong.

So, our secret was seeing a doctor who specialized in infertility, having a period artificially induced to clean out my uterus, getting perscribed three times the normal fertility medicine, and then having an ultrasound to ensure ovulation, therefore knowing the right timing.

That and prayer. And it worked!

Again, we have a condition that is not so dire as to require really invasive techniques, we just needed a doctor to hold our hands and put us on the right path. We are grateful for him, for going directly to OUR solution, instead of doing things that would not help us. The time was far spent.


The Bears said…
I read your cousin's story. If only I had known that formula, I could have saved some valuable time. I don't know m any words with y's or x's, so I guess it's time to invest in a dictionary... for next time.

I wanted twins too, but once you see the baby he or she seems exactly perfect. Congrats!
Jensens said…
Technology is wonderful. So glad that everything looks good. Here's to wishing the sickness doesn't last too much longer!
Brandi said…
I was hoping you'd get twins too, or triplets, but apparently this one is so special, he was enough for now. Love you, good luck with the morning sickness.
p.s. mom's in SLC but she can't find you.Call her.
Becca said…
Congrats on getting pregnant!
Becky said…
I hope the morning sickness goes away FAST! Like maybe tomorrow, yeah? :)

I told Adam a while ago about you being pregnant and we are both so excited for you and Drew. And Sarah. Siblings are awesome.

Anonymous said…
I'm behind in my blog-reading, but I'm always uplifted after reading your blog.

So glad you are pregnant and surviving!
Christy Dyer said…
Hold your breath and he will be here! Hold your breath and you will be sending him off to school, then on a mission. Time flies!
Lorin and Liza said…
Wonder of wonder, miracle of miracle. That is what a child is every time!