Great Week

We had one of those great weeks.

(Sorry about the picture below. I almost never use the camera feature on my phone, and somehow I managed to get a really cheesy border.)
Of course, Andrew participated in the "Hands On" Summerhays instrument winning contest ...until he saw all of the darling teenagers around us who needed instruments a little more than he did. We had a ton of fun, though, hanging out with all of the youth holding all ten fingers to instrument cases for a win. We sure dig teenagers. They are the best.

Above is Sarah, way past her bedtime, supporting Dad.

We did not leave empty-handed. He walked away with a $45 gift certificate, two t-shirts for Sarah and me, and new young friends. Good times.
We finally bought a stroller! No, we never bought one for Sarah. We had two donated to us, but Sarah would not ride for more than 2 minutes in them. I always looked in envy at parents who could stroll their children for hours.

We felt, however, that this was going to be our stroller baby. So, we searched for months for a stroller; more time than I spent looking for a vehicle.

We looked at Phil and Ted's, and Bob's, yet never considered a Cadillac of strollers: the Bugaboo. But, thanks to Craigslist (thank you Craig, where're you are), we found a Bugaboo for a reasonable price. Our boy will be strolling in style...circa 2006, but whatever, it is a rockin' stroller.


We changed doctors at 36 weeks.

Has anyone ever done that?

We had an excellent doctor...but as I wondered why I did not enjoy her as much as the laid back doctor who delivered Sarah, I realized, Dr. Gravelle was a lot like me. She had too much happy energy. I was overwhelmed. I am amazed how silly that sounds. She was extremely popular, hence everyone recommended her, but maybe I did not want myself as my doctor.

So, we now have an experienced doctor, who looks like he just got back from surfing in the Caribbean (do they surf in the Caribbean?), who calmed all of my fears (instinctively knowing what I needed to hear), and answered all of my questions within one hour of being with him personally. I love Dr. Stephen Voss. The world's coolest doctor. He also has a great staff. The staff of my former doctor was sometimes a little busy/grumpy.


Sarah added a new song to her repertoire. Thanks to her Dad, who never lingered on songs like, "Ring around the Rosies" or "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" familiar to most 2 year olds, she has an arsenal of older sounding songs. She knows all of the verses to "Redeemer of Israel", "Baptism" ('Jesus came, to John, the Baptist'), and tonight, she sang to me, "I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-day saints" (I am not sure the real name of that song). I have to admit that I was impressed. Keep it up, Dad.


Kim and Preston said…
I just saw your blog address! I think its great that you have a stroller and that you were able to switch doctors:) Thanks for always teaching me so much by your optomistic attitude. Oh...and if you want an inivte to my blog let me know your email address:)
Janet said…
Wow! Busy week. I just have to say that I know nothing about strollers, or what's popular, but the one you got is the bomb! You're little guy will love it.

Sarah needs to be friends with Roddy's little man Carson. He loooves to sing. However, the only song Roddy has taught him to sing is "Pants on the ground". Don't worry, my mom has taught him "I hope they call me on a mission" and "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam". But really, I think they would be great friends.
ohh!! that stroller looks wonderful! Many hours of strolls in the sunshine are in your future! : ) I just changed OBs too...week 35. Feels much better! Hey - if you're ever able, record Sarah singing. I'd love to hear her clear sweet voice singing the songs of Zion! : )
Ben and Shara said…
so it sounds like you still got some great prizes. so fun that you even attempted. I'm sure the young kids all needing instruments were happy when you bowed out.

The stroller thing has got me stumped. My neighbors just got the stroller as well, and it looks great. I was wanting to get a double with large wheels for walking and oh perhaps the occasional jog but can't bring myself to purchase such a spendy thing, nor to I want to store such a huge jogging stroller in my car. Perhaps the bugaboo is a better option for me, Craigslist eh? I'll have to check there. I've been only hunting on KSL, with no success. Thanks for the heads up.
Annette said…
I love dr voss, my dr was out of town and he delivered Callie...good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Callie was worried when her dr couldn't deliver her twins..but the dr on call turned out to be perfect for her.
Mrs. Olsen said…
Wow. Changing docs at 36 weeks is a big deal! Glad it's turning out alright.

I love those songs that your daughter is learning. Tell dad to keep it up!