Not Shop Talent, but Shop Enthusiasm

Since we are up to confessing, I have to make some confessions, too. I must confess that I have a ridiculously talented cousin-in-law (many of them, actually). But I also must confess that I have a ridiculously talented wife (and goodness, her jumping skillz are amay-zhu-zing).

I admit, that as much I tried to exist in high school, I always thought about being in shop. I still wear googles to this day (just ask my Mother-in-Law who is driving a pair down for me from Rexburg, Idaho)!

One time I was the guy who tried to make a guitar spin around and play glasses with spoons.

I loved tetherball in elementary school (and if you went to a school with tetherball, you did too).

And if you have a pulse, you, like me, have always dreamed of winning big playing Plinko on The Price is Right (Bob Barker days).

Not a super confession (since I am not ashamed to say it), but one of my favorite jobs I ever had...of all time...was as a grocer at Trader Joe's. I loved it...I mean loved, loved, loved it (where else are you paid to yell "Fish outta watah" and 98% of the customers were nice!). While I never crashed any carts, I occasionally forgot to give people their paper bags of groceries after I checked them out.

And when I was in the sixth grade, I loved that one time when I got to use a typewriter to do my homework (since apparently writing with your hand is so hard, my cursive still looks the same from when I was in the sixth grade). I typed out a play for English.

Can you spot all the references?

And for the record, I hope to keep that darned oboe. It is my favorite band instrument. Really.


Candice said…
$3,000 or an oboe, hmmmm.

I never had much opportunity to wear goggles, because I was eternally in glasses. And when I did, they made funny marks around my face.

I thought that you were being tender and sincere, until I saw the video.

You should write to Sarah, baby brother, and I in cursive more often.
The Bears said…
I never make it through whole youtube videos, but I had to see how this one ended up. Pretty cool and good luck with the oboe.
Andrew said…
Only two things are not true in the post: I was never involved in shop, nor desired to be (though now I see the benefits, thank you Grover Wray and John Bagley for helping me to make Sarah a train out of wood from 19th century upstate New York and a broken broom handle) and two, the spinning guitar

The goggles refers to the swim goggles your mom is bringing down, and I love swim goggles!

While I was watching this I thought "My goodness, whoever wrote and directed this video was a child of the 80's" because it totally reminded me of me as a kid in a lot of ways I never think making a new Tron movie, you see it and say "Oh yeah, that was awesome!"

And I do have an amazing and talented wife.

And if you do not think writing a love note in cursive at 6:45 in the morning and scanning it for them is not tender and sincere, I give up :)

I love you.
This video is pretty cool. I saw it a few months ago and one of my first thoughts was, "I wonder how long it took to make this set" and "How many times did they actually run thru the entire system before saying, 'cut-that's a wrap!'"

I'll have to watch it again and see if I catch all the 80's stuff!