Rockin' Youth

I get to work with our youth, and I have to say that our youth are pretty awesome. When I walked into a fireside last night, I was overwhelmed with love for them. I am their biggest superfan.

Yesterday, after I spoke to the young men and young women, the young men rushed to me afterwards, so that they could complete their notes on my topic. Yeah, that makes a teacher feel pretty darned good.

Then, they asked me when they could sing in Sacrament meeting. Okay, twist my arm.

And, they all wanted to give the prayers, and read the scriptures during our lessons and the fireside. Again, twist my arm. These young brethren have a way of making me feel like a queen.
Oh, yes, the man in the back in the picture below is not one of our youth. He is our awesome Bishop. When I learned that President Monson was Bishop at a ward at the age of 22, I thought, "But, 22 is old". I was 12 at the time.

Now I understand that our 25 year old Bishop is not that old, but he is inspired, inspired, inspired. I am willing to bet that there is at least two future G.A.'s in the following picture. It is a modest guess. I would not be surprised if five arose from this picture.


Jensens said…
Our youth are lucky to have you!
The Bears said…
Enthusiasm breeds more enthusiasm and no one is more enthusiastic than you!!! Did you like how my use of exclamation points made my commeent very enthusiastic.
Ben and Shara said…
Everyone loves you. You have such a way of making everyone feel important and interesting. It is a gift. Those boys are probably falling all over themselves to make you happy, because they would do anything you asked, because of how great you make them feel. I'm so glad I can call you my relative.
