Where I went

In February and March, I unwillingly dropped out of the blogging world. Three whole people asked me where I went, which equates to about 15,000 people also wondering (Isn't that how it works?). Anyway, it made me feel really good to be missed. Thank you times 6,000 for caring. I thought I would mention some reasons for my absence.

1. I tend to kick it into high gear in my 3rd trimester. Instead of normal nesting habits like quilting and cleaning, I usually take on a couple of new jobs my third trimester. This was no different than before. So, while Sarah sleeps, I work. Almost full time some days (early in the morning before she wakes up, and after she went to bed at night). I admit that I get super tired, but I love the feeling of deserving the sleep that I get. I also have the most supportive husband in this universe, and 4 neighboring ones.

2. Harp Lessons: It has been my goal for several years to become a Master Harpist. So, in Candice style, one day (in my third trimester, working two other jobs), I found the best teacher that I could, bought a harp, and started taking lessons. I was hoping to play it for my ward on Sunday (with 4 whole lessons under my belt), but "Beautiful Savior" was not happening quick enough for me. Just wait, my debut is coming soon.

3. Youth: we love the youth of the world. We had our Youth Conference, where Drew and I spoke, and have weekly song practices with them to sing for our ward. They have almost all since joined our ward choir. We just love them.

4. Community Service: Sarah and I will follow Andrew as he speaks to various Jr. High schools about Scholarships available for Utah Students. He does an awesome job.

5. Bell Tryouts: This was a surprisingly rigorous two-month tryout. I studied music theory several days a week, slept sparingly on Friday night for nerves, and spent hours on my feet every Saturday playing for the directors.

In my final interview, they had me bear my testimony, asked me my background, and then asked the sensitive question: "Are you pregnant?" The answer, of course was, "Yes". They said that they could not have pregnant women in the choir on television. So, they asked me to try out again next year.

And last but not least, since blogs are not blogs without pictures, here are a few:

My latest pregnancy pictures. I know that I wonder how big women have gotten, and what they look like. My dear Aunt Christy wondered if I was okay, since I had not gained much weight. For some reason, my body reacts different to pregnancy than most women. I actually lose weight when pregnant, and then gain it all back after. Lucky me. If I were only pregnant most of the time, instead of the opposite, I would look pretty great. I am now at week 34.

Post Youth Conference. We went to the bird refuge, and then Crystal Hot Springs. Drew was my hot water police, and made sure that I did not bake the baby: so I sat by the side of the pool with my feet enjoying the mineral water bliss. Oh, how the rest of my body wanted to join in.

I found a mirror to take a picture of me for belly history.

My new harp. I love it. It was hand made in Chicago, by Lyon and Healy. It was my dream to own a Lyon and Healy harp.

I did not take a full picture since I have already broken two strings, and I did not want to show my sad piano bench in the background, which also needs some tender loving care.
In a nutshell, I was gone because I was very tired. But I felt very blessed and happy. I tend to write the least during the really interesting, blessed and happy periods of my life. I will be better at that.


Ben and Shara said…
what two jobs did you pick up? Is it just to help the time slip by faster?

The bell ringer thing seems tragic. Did they tell you earlier that they didn't want pregnant people on t.v.? Oh well, I hope you enjoyed your bell ringing experience. Perhaps next year will be the right time.

Candice said…
I work at Launch Sales and Marketing with my Husband. I love it. It is kind of like going on a mission, in that I understand the most important 2 years of a man's life.

Now I understand intimately what Andrew does, and am super involved. He can talk about work forever, and I am all ears.

I also work a few nights a week at Banana Republic. I look terrible in the clothes, but I love helping people.

With the bell ringing, I did not look obviously pregnant (some of that intentional) until the last two weeks. I had a hunch, but no, they did not say anything until the final interview, which I admit, made me cry.

It makes me sad to have to hide pregnancy in some instances.
Dan said…
Candice! Wow that is a lot. Sorry about the bell ringing. Total bummer. But at least you have the harp! And you should make cookies for the bell ringer idol judges for the entire next year so they will love you for the next time you try out.
Christy Dyer said…
I knew you must have been up to something Candace! So exciting to be taking harp. Sorry about the bell choir....next year and look how much further you will be ahead! Looking forward to pictues of the baby.
Lorin and Liza said…
I think taking up the harp is fantastic. I judged the Bonneville Jr. Miss last night and one of the winners played the harp. It is such a celestial sound. That should soothe this baby and he/she will be a celestial child.
(That comment incidentally represents my 5,000 people)
Love the pictures! Glad you're back in the blogging world and I think it's so cool all the pet projects you do (even "working the jobs" if you want to call it that) - you never seem to be lacking in energy. I admire that abt you!

I didn't realize the goal for harping - that's fantastic that you have one to actually play and learn from.

I am like the "majority" of women and gain loads of weight during my pregnancies - nobody would've had to "guess" or even ask if I was prego at the tryouts -it is ever so obvious - you are one of kind and you do look great. as long as you feel good, then that's all that really matters.

Miss K$ said…
Candice Candice. That is incredible! I so want to be like you. I hope day to take up instruments in like fashion. Those dang bell people. Did you say... pregnancy is temporary? Why no pregnant people, that is totally family biased. You should have thrown a fit. That is just awful.