Rancho Market

4 pounds of sweet oranges and 3 pounds of red onions: the total cost, 99 cents.  This is why I love Rancho Market.

We are the only white people that I know that shop here, and I cannot figure out why.  They always have the most amazing deals on vegetables.

You just have to pretend the meat section does not exist.

Every week, we go to Rancho Market to get the crazy excellent price on whatever fruits or vegetables they are promoting.  It is a little cramped, and not everyone speaks English, yet it brings me back to living abroad, whether it be in the Philippines, China, Taiwan, Jerusalem, or wherever; back to the places where you could eat gorgeous fresh food for under $1.00 a day.  I love it.

Go Rancho Market.  


Melanie said…
Here our my instructions on Jacies hair that you wanted. I hope you can understand them. I pulled four ponytails up on the top of her head. But the last little go around of the elastic don't pull all the hair through. Then I put another elastic around the hair that is through. It sounds kind of confusing. You could email me at melkade@hotmail.com and I will send you pictures if you want.

Oh I would love to go to that market that you always go to. It sounds like so much fun.
Candice said…
Thank you, Melanie for the directions. Your daughter is so gorgeous. I love to fix hair, and I am just waiting for Sarah to grow enough to fix.
Jensens said…
We've been in Rancho market before and have felt the same way. I have not, however, looked at the produce...I'll have to take a look at that ad that comes every week!