Sister 'High Threshold for Pain'

One of my Young Women has a high tolerance for pain. I admire that.
In fact, I read that part of Lance Armstrong's success is his insanely high pain threshold.
If that contributes to athletic greatness, then Isabelle is going to be a superstar.
Her appendix burst. She went to the hospital a few days following the bursting, because it was 'uncomfortable'.
I heard that she did the same thing with a broken wrist. I might have heard wrong, but I was under the impression that Appendicitis and broken bones hurt.
Go 'Iz'. I sure love you, and so does Drew and Super Sarah.


Leslie said…
Both my mom and best friend from high school have that gift. The good thing is that they can tolerate pain well. The bad thing is that they don't know that something is bad until it is really bad! Sometimes I wish I were a little more like that! :)