Ode to Uncle Shawn and my Duct Tape Scripture Case

Uncle Shawn: he is just a good man.

Last weekend, while up in Idaho, Uncle Shawn (okay he is Sarah's Uncle Shawn, but I am working on her learning the right titles. I loved my Aunts and Uncles so much that I could not call them by their first names only...they are too dear, and I want Sarah-kins to do the same), asked me if I wanted to help him make duct tape scripture cases.

Of course I did. I have always admired duct tape, but had never created anything from it ( see http://www.ducktapeclub.com/contests/prom/entries.asp). I hoped to learn from Shawn how to create a duct tape masterpiece: like unto the wallets and such that he and Katrina made while growing up.

I was a lousy helper. Every time my 'A.D.D.' would kick in I would leave Shawn in dire sticky straights. Yet he never complained and patiently persevered. He worked on his architectural masterpiece for a long time, asking my advice about adding a pen holder here, and an extra pocket there.

This is where I come back to my thesis: Uncle Shawn is a good man...no, a really good man...you see, he was creating a scripture case for me.  I was completely surprised.

Thank you, Uncle Shawn. My heart warmed and expanded two sizes. I could not believe that he had worked all of that time with a sad apprentice to make a case for me.

I have to say that Shawn is one of the good, obedient, patient men of the world. I have met many good men, but few in the Uncle Shawn category. I am surprised by his goodness every time I go home to see him.

While he was growing up, I prayed for him. I worried that he would be scarred for life because of the female saturated household he came from.

I did not need to worry...no, I take that back: all my prayers were answered 'an hundredfold'. He is at least going to be an Area Seventy.

Thank you for being so wonderful, Uncle Shawn, and thank you for the coolest Scripture Case in the galaxy.


Becky said…
That is awesome! I want a duct tape scripture case. And an Uncle Shawn.
Courtney said…
So you know how people blog-hop, and then you get some random comment that has nothing to do with Uncle Shawn or duct tape from some girl who was on your floor freshman year? HI! It's me, Courtney Fitzwater! Carrie Dyer is my husband's sister--that's how I happened upon your blog--and it's so fun to see you. You look just the same, and I can hear your voice when I read your blog. Good to see you!
Ben and Shara said…
I need a cool scripture case too, is there any chance he could start making and selling these grand things? Does he use a pattern?
Candice said…
No pattern for Shawn...he has made a couple and figured out a method, but no pattern to date.
Josh and Amber said…
He is so awesome! He really is such a good guy. We were best friends growing up then in the mid teenagers years, life happened and our connection grew apart then in High School it got closer and then we moved:( and now we don't live by eachother anymore, but he's still a favorite cousin of mine! You are a favorite of course too;)! You always make me laugh, and your family is just so wonderful! And I promise the next time I come near to SLC I will let you know!! Luv ya!
Anonymous said…
Brothers are the best. No doubt about that.

Also, regarding your question on my blog--I like Wordpress. It's harder than Blogger but it has more features once you figure it out. I think. Once I figure it out, I'll know for sure.

The Bears said…
I'm so jealous of your cool scripture case... but jealous in the non-coveting way of course.