Whole Milk tastes better.

As part of my fertility diet (tons of folic acid, whole grains, iron, protein, etc.) I am supposed to drink a glass of WHOLE MILK everyday.

I had not had whole milk since I was probably 5 years old.  I am guessing at that.  I really do not remember drinking whole milk; it was usually 2%.

I was kind of afraid of it, because I came of age during the fat scare era. Anything with fat was bad. Now we know that there are good fats, yet, whole milk still scared me. I have been a skim-milker for years.  I was further gratified that skim milk is less expensive than whole.  There was nothing to tempt me to switch to whole milk; nothing except having another baby.

So I braved the whole milk. And I liked it. A lot.

My Grandma Walker used to pour cream on her cereal. I wonder what that would taste like.  Maybe there is something better than whole milk.


Becky said…
Is it bad that I'm a little jealous of your whole milk? :)

I hope it has the desired result!
Dan said…
I love whole milk with cereal. I have added a little cream to cereal on a couple of occasions and it's really good!
Andrew said…
What's even better is if you dance after drinking it and then laugh uncontrollably, butter comes out of your nose!
Jensens said…
My grandpa use to have cows, so we got unpasteurized whole milk...not better than pasteurized whole milk. It leaves a nice film on the roof of your mouth, it gives me the shivers just thinking about it. I second the wish of the desired result!
squiresclan said…
My husband loves whole milk it's still a bit too much for me, i don't think i'll ever be able to leave my beloved 2%, like you i don't really ever remember drinking anything else lol GL with the diet even though i don't see you often i can just feel the love you have for children in the way you write about your little sarah! who is just too cute!
Ben and Shara said…
I love whole milk. I wish I had a reason to always drink it. I love it, I love it.
Lorin and Liza said…
It is a little known secret that whole milk put wings on your feet. That's why I have my cross-country runners drink it. They prove my point. i would just as soon that you keep that under your hat so we maintain the edge my boys have in running. However, feel free to test out your own wings.
Anonymous said…
Cream is the best (BEST) on fresh fruit, like raspberries or peaches. Ummm, mmmm. After having kids, I started drinking whole milk with them (since I was too cheap to buy two gallons of different kinds of milk) and I thought up my own corny twist on the old, slightly annoying classic 'Life is uncertain; eat dessert first': Life is short. Drink whole milk.

Jeff reintroduced me to whole milk - ALL cold cereal tastes better with it! I indulge every so often and try not to let the "fat" ruin my dancing tastebuds.