Eureka! California and Proposition 8

Great job, California. We heard about this over the pulpit all the way in Utah. You did it. You were my happiest news this morning. You gave me hope that the whole world has not been lured to embrace things that are just not right. At least 52% of you have not embraced it.


Josh and Amber said…
YAY! That is wonderful news!!! Phew!!
Melanie said…
as i woke up this morning looked out and saw about four inches of snow on the ground, my mind was racing, not long ago i was in a snowless climate, with my wife and children, things were good in my own little square in the world. i am unsure of this man elected as our president, i'm in a cold climate without my family, but there was a great relief knowing that this dispicable idea, was rejected and the sanctity of marriage is safe.
candice my dear cousin, how are you doing, what a beautiful child you have, you and drew must be very proud.

Anonymous said…
You just made my day. Before I went to bed last night, I checked and they had called Prop 8 the other way--I think I may have cried a little. I'm so grateful. Thanks for the good news!

The Bears said…
I stayed up so late waiting for it to be called. I wanted to go to bed with some good news. I finally gave up around 3, but was so happy to wake up to the news this morning. Whoohoo!