What Mormons Believe: Service

This is Andrew, Candice asked me to comment on this. In my new little hobby of making videos, I thought heavily about how much talk on the internet and other media is about things that are sacred, but not central to what we believe.

So I made this video illustrating what is at the heart of what we believe. The music starts up 20 seconds into President Monson's speaking, so be patient.

This is actually a repost of a video with some caption errors. I called the original What Mormons Believe, By Their Fruits


Candice said…
Excellent, Drew. I am so lucky to have you.
The Bears said…
I love watching your videos. Keep up the good work. I know they will get seen by the people that need them most.
Jensens said…
Very powerful. It made me want to go fill a welfare assignment right now :) It makes me so proud to be part of something that reaches so many people, even if it is indirectly.
Ben and Shara said…
I loved it. I wish I could think of a reason to show the youth in our ward each of your videos. Don't worry I'll come up with a reason and a way, I'm sure. hee hee. thanks for the weekly enlightenment.