Iceburg, ID

We have been in Rexburg for the past few days. My poor Mom's computer seems to be against me posting as it refuses to upload my pictures, and often denies me access to the Internet.

At least we have Internet.

I apologize for no pictures. I will have to post when I get home.

What I love about Rexburg. Memories.

I had forgotten what unthinkably cold, dry, air felt like in your nose and lungs. I forgot how much I loved Mom's sweet and sour chicken (she served it at our sibling birthday party. We requested it for every birthday celebration as children. It was more popular than pizza.)

I forgot how well Rexburgians drive on ice. The roads that I have traveled lately would have shut down the U.S. government indefinitely. Rexburgians just take it slow, and are very understanding about a little fishtailing. They know that sides of the road and parking spaces become obscure when completely covered in ice: oh yes, and sometimes you just can't stop at a stoplight, and that is okay.

I love my family. We all really like each other and that is nice.

I love learning about my Dad's skills. He is one of those people that just get better the longer you know him. It has been nearly thirty four years for me, and I am just beginning to realize that he is a pretty good carpenter. I spent yesterday helping him recreate five little rocking chairs. They were patterned after one that he made (unbeknownst to me) for Brandi and I over thirty years ago.

Anyway, sorry about the ramble about my family and Rexburg. It is just nice to be home.


Dan said…
well said, I only lived there for two years at Ricks. But I liked it. I have fond memories too
Ben and Shara said…
The little rocking chairs sound fabulous. I'd love to see a picture of the project. I had no idea your dad was so handy.
Candice said…
I believe that he made the chairs when your brothers (and Mom and Dad of course) spent Christmas with us. I could be wrong, but I think that your Dad made one too. The stories differ. Dad thought it was Lee Sadler he made them with. Mom said it was Uncle Dan.

Do the Dyers happen to have a little rocking chair?
Anonymous said…
Ah, you're making me homesick.

I realized something the other day: I am a snow-driving snob. People around here get all worked up about it, and I'm like, "Eh, this is nothing."

I've missed your posts!
