The Best Babysitter

I do not get babysitters often.  Sarah comes with us everywhere.  Last night I got one, and I might change my ways.

When Andrew and I drowsily returned home, we did not notice much due to droopy eyelids.

The next morning, upon the waking of a happy Sarah (she does not often wake happily), I noticed that Isabelle the super-sitter, had cleaned and organized my whole house.

You kept my child safe, you worked some kind of strange magic that caused Sarah to sleep in and then happily play in her crib until I got her, and you organized my house.

Thank you Is.


Does she have a clone on the east coast? close to DC?
Jensens said…
Isn't she great? My kids love all of the Siwik girls, they're awesome!
Anonymous said…
Hold on to that one! Babysitters like that are the best!
