Rancho Markets - How I Love Thee

Radishes - 3 Batches

Celery - 2 Batches

Potatoes - 1 Ten Pound Bag

Oranges - 7.67 pounds

Apples - 2.18 pounds

Tomatoes - 1.15 pounds

Cabbage - 2.49 pounds

Total Due (including Taxes) - $6.81

Knowledge of Rancho Markets? - Priceless


Sarah MomE25 said…
I love the Rancho market. I got a ton of produce there the other day as well!
Annette said…
I have been wondering about this market..prices on produce look to good to be true
Christy Dyer said…
Where is Rancho Markets and how come I don't know about it! and I just love the new look on your blog. The sunflowers suit you perfectly!
squiresclan said…
Man i want a Rancho market here!!!
Ben and Shara said…
I love your title bar.

So when are you going to teach about the Rancho Market. I've never heard of it and need to know to help make my summer be better. Where, when? TEACH ME.

Happy Easter.
Becca said…
That ROCKS! I love the farmers market we have here. You get so much for so little $ compared to grocery stores. Tastes better too!
Anonymous said…
I agree Rancho Market is great, Jared is even brave enough to order from the grill and it is delicious too.
Shannon said…
WHAT?!! I had no idea. I always drive by that place with trepidation!

Can you take me with you next time?
Unknown said…
Hello guys, here is the Rancho Markets website link, you can find out what they do, they even have their weekly specials posted every week http://www.ranchomarkets.com