The Redeemer (and Paul Simon)

Last night was bliss. KBYU was doing their Spring Membership Drive, which usually means we get to watch Anne of Green Gables (which is a great show).

But last night was an absolute treat. They showed a Paul Simon concert with a number of artists singing his music. I turned it on as Alison Krauss was singing Graceland. LOVED IT. Check it out:

Fantastic, no! It reminded me of hot Memorial Days growing up where our family enjoyed awesome concerts broadcast from the Mall in Washington, DC.

Later in the concert they played the song that I have always considered mine and Sarah's. This is not from the concert, but this is the song. Beware, it might bring a tear to your eye. I am not too proud to say it brought many to mine:

Today in my Sunday School class we studied Joseph F. Smith and his vision about the Redemption for the Dead. The manual wanted to make sure that the youth understood the word redeem. So to help the youth understand, I brought in a coupon. Even if I cannot afford it, Carl's Junior will pay for me to have the meal.

No matter WHAT we do, we cannot afford our own salvation, so Heavenly Father provided his Son to redeem us.

Shara, for your lesson next week, I think of President's Bateman address about the intimate nature of the Atonement from BYU in 1997. Or Elder Eyring's talk about "watching" for others. Or President Hinckley's talk about caring for every One.

Hope those help!


Ben and Shara said…
how cool. my own personal blog paragraph. . . just for me and my little lesson.

Thank you so much.
The Bears said…
Candice... BART!!! Talk about a tender mercy from the Lord that you were a girl. Too funny.
Shannon said…
Amazing! I love Allison Kraus.