A True Scout

I was applying to be a merit badge counselor. I figured it would be a nice way to help our youth and make our country a better place.

Candice apparently does not think I fit the bill. The past several years of education and experience mean very little because I do not look like this guy:

Ah well. It was a nice thought while it lasted.


Candice said…
You totally fit the bill. You would be an awesome merit badge counselor. You are a great teacher, and you have a way with youth. And you look awesome in shorts.
Ha-Ha-HA! This picture almost does look like you!(except the dark eyes) I'm going to tell my girls this is what you looked like as a little boy. Now they'll have a face to match when they ask for a story about Uncle Andrew when he was 9!
Andrew said…
That looks nothing like me, nor what I looked like. Your girls will wonder who I am.

They'll be all, "Hey, who is the guy who looks like Brad Pitt in a scout uniform?"
Shannon said…
Haha, that is funny. But you would make a great merit badge counselor!