There is something magical about Disneyland. They have the best marketing in the world. I think the thought of Disney might outshine the actual park visit. Still, that thought was my catalyst to log onto on January 1 (apparently my first act of 2010) and sign up for the Disney Day of know, for the free tickets.
We made blankets for the "Linus Project".
I initially went to the local Lutheran church to see how it was done. They hold a monthly, "Make A Blanket Day" for the Linus Project. It was wonderfully interesting hanging out with the women that Garrison Keillor of "A Prairie Home Companion" refers to so often. They were a delight.
The now Salt Lake based women were mostly transplants from the East. It reminded me of living in the East and gathering with my Mormon friends from the West...with people who were a little like me. I found comfort in those who knew the beauty of ruler straight, wide, numbered streets.
I then brought my knowledge home and had Drew earn his Disney ticket. This is him during his blue blanket making:
These blankets will go to Primary Children's Hospital. We have benefited from blanket makers when Sarah was in that very Hospital. They were a comfort to her and to us.
Thanks, Disney, for the opportunity to serve.
We made blankets for the "Linus Project".
I then brought my knowledge home and had Drew earn his Disney ticket. This is him during his blue blanket making:
These blankets will go to Primary Children's Hospital. We have benefited from blanket makers when Sarah was in that very Hospital. They were a comfort to her and to us.
Thanks, Disney, for the opportunity to serve.
Also - Drew, in regards to your comment... I hate to burst your bubble but Baby Bubba wanted nothing to do with coming to meet us this weekend, unfortunately. I was hoping that you were going to be right. I'm guessing he's just fine in the space heater strapped to my stomach and will still hang out for a little while. We'll see! The good news? You'll probably be one of the first to know since you see Bubba like, 100 times a day :) haha