The Marathon, Temple, and riding Side Saddle

We found a great day to go to the temple.

The day of a marathon.

Saturday was Ward Temple Day, and sadly, the Salt Lake City Marathon surrounded Temple Square, making it difficult to get to the temple.

But those who made it in were rewarded.

Usually 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning is the busiest time because many of the workers are tied up with weddings, plus a plethora of stalwart Saturday goers (not a few), who actually work during the week. But, because of the Marathon, temple attendance was down (which was sad), but I admit, nice for us (just quicker, which helps with a toddler).

P.S. The picture above is how I have carried Sarah for the past couple of months...side saddle. It was taken right outside of Temple Square yesterday. The marathon is behind us.


Ben and Shara said…
carrying the kids has gotten complicated. I'm always trying to get eva's knees or arms out of the belly's way. he he too cute.