100% Potty trained and The Utah State Fair

Our State Fair is a great State Fair. This is my beautiful Sarah watching the Pig auction.
Never go to the Fair on its final Saturday. Parking was insane. Amidst the hubbub, Andrew said, "Pray for a parking place to open up". I already had. And a parking place opened for us.
Heavenly Father is kind to the Rails.
Steele being awesome in his well-used Bjorn.
We carried him like this for hours while enjoying the sites of the Fair. This year, I felt inspired to join 4-H. Or raise an animal. Or grow an enormous flower. I hope the tradition of the State Fair never dies.
Finally, Sarah is 100% potty trained. This was the greatest day of my life (it felt). Yeah, there was a lot of nudity, gummy treats, not leaving our home, and a thousand hours of "The Little Mermaid" (perched on her potty), but we are there.
She is the driest girl in the world. She can go anywhere, all by herself, with no prompting from me, day and night. We are a happy family.


Jon + Kat said…
Isn't it funny how you stress over this blasted potty-training and when they finally get it, it's amazing! We are proud of her too! I would LOVE to have Teik out of diapers!