Dressing Problems

Today I felt as if I were doing really well. You know, getting the hard things done while running as fast as I could. I did my Visiting Teaching, sent in my tax documents, ran to Primary Children's for an emergency visit to my cousin, worked, took the kids to the park-twice, wrote a note to an old friend, returned my library books the day that they were due, paid for my Girl Scout cookies...

Yet, as I was leaving my visiting teachee to race home because Andrew needed to make his own hospital visit (not HIS own, but to help in a blessing) I noticed something-

I had two different shoes on. Socks, maybe. But shoes?


Shannon said…
That is awesome! I love this about you... because you were so concerned helping other people there was no time to notice the shoes! I'm sure that's what matters in the long run right?
The Bears said…
As long as you remember to brush your teeth, everything else is optional. I love that you never noticed until you get got back home.
Kim and Preston said…
Thats awesome Candice! You really are so concernend with others...im usually good it I get ready so I think even a mismatched shoe is better then none. :)
Christy Dyer said…
A friend of mine found that she was wearing two different shoes as she was speaking at a ward conference. She took the elastic bandage out of her car and wrapped one foot and hobble up to the front rather than go with mis-matched shoes. You could have tried that!
Anonymous said…
I love this.

You always were a trendsetter--I would not be surprised if the people of the greater Salt Lake City area were suddenly seen wearing mismatched shoes, all in an attempt to be more Candicey.