More like a four-year-old

Decorating Eggs. I bought this kit at an After-Easter-Sale last year and I could not let it go to waste, even though we were so busy this weekend that we decorated our eggs on Monday-the day AFTER Easter.
I love having a four-year-old. She never knew the difference.
She was just as overjoyed to decorate post-Easter eggs as she would have been before.
I promise to get better...when she is five.

I feel almost sacrilegious posting these next pictures taken from Andrew's phone, but I admit that church brings me more joy than just about anything. Not just my religion, but actually going to church. I love it.

I love that Andrew took a picture (from his phone) of Steele playing peek-a-boo.
With no one in particular. (Our ward seems to fill from the back first).
Sarah sang with the Primary this week. I wonder if a Mom who has six children bursts with the same happiness as I do about my one singing in front?

Andrew again. So Sarah stood in the front of the group to sing in Church, then stooped down so you could only see her head over the podium. I am not sure if she sang (hard to tell with the hiding) but after the singing, the children left the podium. Sarah was the last one down. She looked over at us (near the back of the room) and said

"Mommy, "I'm so hungry."

I also wonder what it would be like to be in a ward with a 400 member primary; one with three nurseries. Our Primary is not quite that big.

Another gift of having a barely 4-year-old: it does not take many eggs in the city Easter Egg Hunt to bring her over-the-top joy. In fact, when Sarah found one egg, she spent most of her time relishing that egg (jumping up and down-showing us, then talking about it afterward).
I want to be more like that. Rejoicing in the one thing that I have. Jumping up and down for joy, instead of pushing other kids out of the way, greedily trying to find another of what I already have, and do not appreciate.

I want to be more like a barely-four-year-old.


Ben and Shara said…
I love your 4 year old wisdom.
so true