Resurrected Bike

Sarah is our Easter miracle. That is nicer than thinking of her as our tax day baby (born on April 15).

Andrew picked up a cast away, dead, purple bicycle from Deseret Industries for Sarah's birthday. We asked Brother Don Banford in our ward what to do. He lovingly took the bike into his garage, scrubbed a pound of rust off of the chain, replaced the see-through-tires, and oiled her 'til she became a smooth ride. He even threw in a helmet to keep our Easter Miracle Safe. He presented it to her on Easter Sunday.

Thank you Brother Banford for this other Easter Miracle:

The Resurrected Bicycle.


Jon + Kat said…
So I feel like I haven't commented on your blog in forever. To catch up: Jaclyn's had white/gray hairs for years that she just covers with regular hair dye. I wouldn't worry about it! I love kids who eat like goats! It truly makes a mom's life easier! I'm impressed you took Sarah skiing! That's so fun! I have a list of things I would love Sevy to try, and I don't think they will be getting checked off any time soon! I love the hand-drumming--I don't think I could do it without crackin' a smile though! We are also fans of resurrected bikes. Both kids are riding Goodwill bikes, Sevy's took a lot of TLC, and Teik's probably needs a coat of rustaway, but we love them! Okay, I think I'm up to date!