Our Family Picture

I recently pulled this almost forgotten art out of our storage and immediately hung it on the wall right by my bed. Every time I look at it, I think, "it really happened-I have two children".

We bought the picture in Taiwan, at I point in our lives when I dreamed of being a mother, but it was just not our time yet, despite my strong desires. Our time would come several years later.

This is our current Family Picture. This is exactly where we are at now. And so it hangs on our wall and every time I look at it I am blown away with gratitude at the miracle that is ours.

This has been the happiest Mother's Day, yet I am acutely aware of people who go through this day without children for one reason or another.

But miracles still happen---like my Family Picture coming to life.


Unknown said…
Hurray! Hurray for dreams coming true and prayers being answered!
Jon + Kat said…
I love dreams coming true too! And we love your little dreams!
jennaloha said…
Candace! Guess who I met last week? Aunt Joni! I helped teach a class at Honeyville Farms where I work and she came up and said, "CAn I ask a funny question? Do you know Candace Bagley?" It seems she was clicking links from your blog to find your sisters blogs, and stumbled on mine by mistake and remembered my face from my blog! What a sweetheart. I bet you love that Aunt Joni. Joanie. Joanee.

Isn't that a funny coincidence?
Candice said…
I am an Aunt Joni super fan! I cannot believe that you saw her. Next time you are at Honeyville give her a huge hug from me. I want to be more like her, which might happen in the next life if I work really hard.
Anonymous said…
I love the picture, and I love the miracle.