Sarah has been taking Violin lessons for a month now. No, she still does not have a real violin (this one is cardboard, and the bow is a stick).
We have been working up to that. Everyday we practice feet position, finger placement, hand and arm exercises, parts of the violin, and of course, bowing (the opposite of curtseying). When we clap, she is supposed to bow, not clap with us as she has been trained since a baby.
I did not realize that she loved classical music. Particularly the violin and flute. Our new favourite music station is the classical music station, and we are Jenny Oaks Baker super fans.
We are not sure where the preference came from. I would like to thank the classical soundtracks to every Barbie movie, Little Einsteins, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Andrew singing to her every night, and the millions of ward choir practices and performances that she has attended. (Our T.V. remote is also dead, so we have not watched T.V. for a millennia, and, oh yes, our truck's CD player also gave up the ghost).
And I love all of it. I never learned the violin and I am ecstatic to study with Sarah (Suzuki violin requires the parents to be at every lesson, every practice session, and listen to the music CD constantly. It is intense, but I really like intense.)
Andrew takes her to her lessons. Even though I wanted to, he insists, and considers it Daddy Daughter time. He takes notes and pictures, and then they teach me what to practice for the week.
Even in only a month, I have seen her grow. I am astounded how quickly children learn, and I love seeing her learn and get better every day. Since she turned four, I feel an urgency to teach her well and much during this time. I only have one year until I turn her over to her (cross my fingers) excellent school district.
Above was the CD insert of Sarah's surprise today. Jenny Oaks Baker's Disney CD. She was the reason why Sarah pulled out her cardboard violin. She pretended to play the music while we danced and pretended to play the piano and the banjo.
Yay for the violin.