Easter 2013!

We had the most wonderful Easter 2013. This year it was like Heavenly Father let us have the most wonderful weather. I wanted to take Peter Knox out and tell him, "this is the sun" because it has not been a huge part of his first almost-5 months.

Andrew had been in Arizona on a business trip and arrived at 3:15 a.m. on Easter Saturday;  in time for the festivities.  When in Arizona, he asked me what a little girl would like for Easter, and I remembered how I longed for an Easter Hat and gloves.  He took me very seriously and went all over Arizona looking for a hat a kid gloves.  Things have changed since the 80s and they are not as ubiquitous as in times past.  But, thanks to friends in Salt Lake, (thank you!) he came home with Sarah's favorite Easter booty.  She felt like a princess.

Sunday was lovely.  Our ward had people who knew and loved the Savior give the lessons, and I knew and loved Him even more.  I am so grateful for His Resurrection.  Enjoy the pictures!
Sarah in her sought after Easter hat, from her Dad, a.k.a. Matthew Cuthbert

The gloves.  Thank you Joie, for finding these and meeting Andrew at the airport to get them to her.

We wanted to put Steele in something special, so we wrapped one of Andrew's bow ties around his neck twice.

And added a dapper blazer

Easter booty

I had not used paper mache since third grade, but I decided an Easter Pinata was in order this year

We dried it for 24 hours, but it needed some extra help in the end.

The original thought was to make a lovely egg (because it is Easter and  it is shaped like a balloon), but suddenly, I thought that we needed to make Spider Man, because we love Steele, and Steele loves Spider Man.

For Steele
The Pinata was a shocking success.  We had the best time.

Gran made us an Easter Saturday Brunch, and we had the hunt on her wonderful property.

Steele would find an egg, open it and commence to eat it.  The strategy left him with fewer eggs, but he was super happy.

The beginning of the hunt.

Cousin Aviel and her blue eyes.

I had to put a picture of Peter in, because he was not represented well in this post.  He is a joy.
Happy Easter.  He lives.  He really does.  We are so glad.


Jon + Kat said…
How fun! And once again the Ormson clan fails to represent! Love the pinata and uber impressed with the lookalike Spiderman! Happy Easter!