Summer Hair

I wonder how many little girls were inspired by Rapunzel as depicted in 'Tangled' to grow their hair long, long, long.  Well, Sarah was.
So we spent a year growing out her hair, including months of braiding her bangs back until they were long enough to be styled normally.
But, with long hair comes sacrifice.  Most men cannot understand the words, "It hurts to be beautiful".  My mother used to say that; when she was fixing my nearly waist length tresses.
And despite her silky hair, I have to say it to Sarah; when I am combing out honey or whatever little girls pick up in their hair during the day or night.
It was during one of these episodes when Sarah finally said, 'It is time'.  I asked her for several days, just in case she misunderstood.
That we were really going to cut her hair.

In the end there was no trauma.  She just said, "It is just like it was...when I was young."

Although I miss her pretty long hair, I must admit that I have not had to fix her hair once since she cut it.  It has saved so much time and rush and replacing that ponytail several times a day.  Rapunzel's influence might come back again (which is great because I do love to fix hair), but for now, I am enjoying a summer of no styling.  Heck, with Sarah's cornsilk locks, I barely have to brush it.  So nice.


The Bears said…
Just like when I was young... so funny. I was convinced I was allergic to my hair, so I was always trying to convince my parents to shave it. I bet they wished Tangled was around then.
She's so cute, it's unbearable!