The New Scoutmaster

My husband was recently called as our Ward Scoutmaster. As a lover of youth and of all things outdoors, I was ecstatic. I had visions of camping and merit badges and awesome uniforms. I do not know why I did not realize after 12 years of marriage that he was not that 'outdoorsy'. We had spent most of our marriage living in large cities, and had not had much opportunity beyond the yearly ward campout to really see the extent of his experience.
I did not realize, that for him to accept this calling was similar to someone being called as the ward organist who can only play the piano with one hand.

But he said 'yes'.  Just as he has to every calling, and just as he will to every calling for the rest of eternity.

That, right there, is a surefire road to bliss.  I am so grateful for my one-handed piano playing scoutmaster (who, by the way has written on his calendar to practice the piano every night because the Bishop asked more Priesthood members to play...sigh of satisfaction).
He has put so much prayer into this calling.  He is preparing missionaries.
And by the time we visited them today, his troop had already knocked out 11 merit badges.  He is wearing himself out running his young men from merit badge to merit badge, talking the counselors into teaching them, even when they have closed shop, or do not feel like it.
Heavenly Father has sent scouting ninja angels to come and help, where Drew lacked experience (thank you Jordan).
This is Drew, who has been at Scout Camp the entire week, running his new business at the same time.  He had every excuse not to stay the whole time, but it did not occur for him not to.
I am grateful, that my one-handed pianist said, 'yes'.
